Timed Sexual Intercourse

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Timed Sexual Intercourse

Timed intercourse is one of the simplest treatment options for infertility. It can be a starting point and an excellent treatment option for couples trying to conceive if no other fertility anomalies appear to exist.

Even if everyone around you seems to become pregnant very easily, understand that becoming pregnant is not as easy as it may seem. However, while some cases require more assistance to achieve a healthy pregnancy, many only require a little fertility guidance.

At Footsteps To Fertility Centre, we will closely check your ovarian cycle for the optimal time for sexual intercourse. Sometimes, becoming pregnant simply comes down to timing.

Timed Sexual Intercourse
Timed intercourse

What to expect

Timed intercourse is the process of monitoring your ovarian cycle via ultrasound, and having sex around that time. Normally, it’s 2-3 days around a positive ovulation indication or at a basal body temperature (BBT) rise.

For a timed intercourse cycle, follicular development will be monitored through ultrasound during a woman’s menstrual cycle. Many individuals will develop their eggs naturally in a process known as follicular recruitment.

Others, however, may take oral medication to assist in this development.

By monitoring the females’ egg development, our fertility specialist will be able to determine the time period in which the woman is ovulating. This allows couples to engage in sexual intercourse at the appropriate time giving them the best chance of getting pregnant through natural intercourse. Because sperm can live inside the woman’s body for up to 5 days, you will be instructed to engage in intercourse every other day during this optimal fertile window.

It may be important to determine if there are any male factors before moving on with this treatment. This is because the egg will be fertilized through the ejaculation of sperm into the woman’s vagina and to the egg inside the uterus or fallopian tube.

Often times the male partner will be asked to abstain from ejaculation for two to three days prior to the timed intercourse. This allows the semen to build up an appropriate about of sperm.

Following the timed intercourse, you may be instructed to take daily supplemental progesterone—usually in the form of a capsule inserted into your vagina twice a day—to support the endometrial lining of the uterus and the implantation of the embryo.

Your peak fertility window is prior to and during ovulation. In a classic 28-day cycle, a woman ovulates on “cycle day” 14. The exact day that you ovulate can vary from month to month, and this is important to know for timed intercourse.

However, start having intercourse on cycle day 10, and continue every other day until ovulation and for one session of intercourse after ovulation. This increases your chances of conception without an exact ovulation calendar. For example, if you ovulate on cycle day #15, begin intercourse on day 10 and continue on days 12, 14, and 16.

What are the chances of getting pregnant with timed intercourse?

Timed intercourse optimizes your fertile days through medication and expert advice for higher chances of natural conception. At Footsteps to Fertility Nairobi, we will undertake standard fertility tests, including blood tests and ultrasound in women and physical evaluation and semen analysis in men. Our Fertility clinic offers personalized treatments and customized decisions that increase your chances of getting pregnant if followed.

How successful is timed intercourse?

Timed intercourse success rates will vary among couples due to the use of a customized treatment cycle. If unsuccessful, we will adjust the medication levels up to three times, after which we may resolve to the next treatment options such as IVF and IUI.

Which is better timed intercourse or IUI?

Intrauterine insemination is ideal where medicated timed intercourse fails or poses a low success rate. This is especially where the couple has physical barriers such as cervicitis and cervical scarring in females or erectile dysfunction and mild sperm abnormalities in males. IUI will is not effective in women with severe endometriosis, blocked fallopian tubes, or if their partner has an extremely low sperm count.

Feel free to contact us, chat with us or directly reserve an appointment below. We are more than happy to walk with you through your journey after personalized infertility testing to decide whether or not this option is right for you.

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